Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Design Patterns Tutorials

How do you apply design patterns?

  1. It depends how you write the code. If it's a big project I decide before coding, then after I start writing the code, if I notice places where design patterns should be used, I refactor the code.
  2. Yes, as mentioned before.
  3. in 99.99% of the cases: Factory Pattern, Singleton (Like everyone I use it in many places because is simple to implement, and in practice I tend to remove it while refactoring the code). Then: Object Pool(if I have resources I want to reuse - some of my projects are games and I need a good management of resources), Strategy and Template Method (because they are great for decoupling and serve well the purpose to make the code easy to extend). Then the Adapter is something to use when you have a library you want to use, without relying on it(decoupling).
  4. Same as Above, if I didn't use them yet. It works also in the opposite way. If I don't find the reason to use a design pattern I remove it or skip it while writing the code (it happens all the time with singleton and from time to time with factories. Sometime I use a factory which is also a singleton to provide me those which were supposed to be singletons objects; not sure if it's wise thing to do, but it works for me).
  5. The only code hint I might think it the number of references you have to a class. You can also use PMD, jDepend and Architecture Rules to spot the places where the classes contains too many dependencies. I'm not sure it this is a coding tip. In the design phase and not only there when you decide to use a design pattern just think to the benefits. I found that Software Design Principles are extremely important to help you understand when and why (not) to use a design pattern, but they are unknown to many programmers who are using design patterns.
  6. I'm not sure what do you mean by Micro DP. I'm trying to use DPs only when I find reasons to use them and when the benefits seem to be bigger than the problems. I avoid the overuse because it leads you to loosing time implementing and maintaining factory patterns instead of real software.
                                                                                                                                                                  Flyweight reduces memory consumption.
The Proxy pattern can be used for speed optimization.
The Bridge pattern can change the implementation of an abstraction on the fly - always picking the most efficient one.

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